Opening Hours 8:00 – 19:00

Get Help 0800 1234 567


Our full scope family practice ranges from newborn to geriatric, functional medicine, diagnostic
evaluations, and aesthetics and dermatologic procedures.


Skin-pen micro needling delivers dramatic rejuvenation result in a quick, comfortable and affordable procedure that patients love. It employs FDA-approved technology to stimulate the production of patient’s own natural collagen to erase scars, wrinkles and blemishes.

Specialties 01

Skin Cancer

Screening is performed thoroughly all over the skin to check for suspicious moles and lesions.

Specialties 02


Skin biopsies are done under local anesthesia and will guide to taking appropriate decision in the treatment pathway. Excision is performed to fully remove biopsy-proven skin cancers as well as unwanted skin lesions, malignant moles and tumors. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Specialties 04


Skin biopsies are done under local anesthesia and will guide appropriate treatment pathway. Excision is performed to fully remove biopsy-proven skin cancers as well as unwanted skin lesions, malignant moles and tumors.

Specialties 03

Laceration care

Acute cuts/lacerations that are less than 8 hours old can be effectively repaired at CDM.

Specialties 05